Tenkara Cast - a podcast about tenkara fly-fishingThe Tenkara Cast with Daniel Galhardo is a podcas Author: Daniel Galhardo
The Tenkara Cast with Daniel Galhardo is a podcast on tenkara, the Japanese method of fly-fishing that uses only a rod, line and fly. The Tenkara Cast episodes are about sharing the stories, techniques and philosophy and other information that will inspire you to keep your fly-fishing simple and explore the outdoors. The recording of the Tenkara Cast is supported by Tenkara USA, the first company to introduce tenkara outside of Japan. Sharing the tenkara story Language: en Genres: Leisure Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Conversations: Manzanar Fishing Club
Tuesday, 30 June, 2020
Many of us understand the sense of freedom provided by fishing. But, many of us will never understand how powerful that sense of freedom was for some. Daniel talks to filmmaker Cory Shiozaki about the dark chapter of concentration camps in the US, which incarcerated over a hundred thousand American citizens. One such concentration camp was Manzanar, in the Eastern Sierra. At Manzanar, some internees risked their lives to sneak out and go fishing, possibly tenkara, in the Eastern Sierra to get some respite, and a sense of freedom and dignity not allowed to them otherwise. Fishing always brings with it a glimmer of hope. But, it can also provide a sense of freedom, and dignity, as the story behind the Manzanar Fishing Club shows us. Listen to their conversation to learn more about how human rights and fishing come together. Learn more at https://www.tenkarausa.com/myportfolio/manzanar-fishing-club/