Engineer Soft Skills  

Engineer Soft Skills

Author: Dylan Reid

The Engineer Soft Skills podcasts teaches engineers all of the soft skills: the things they don't teach in engineering school. The focus is on developing skills such as confidence, social skills, productivity, energy, and problem solving in order to help you improve your career and life.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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How to Stop Self-Criticism (Ep. 33)
Wednesday, 1 July, 2020

Do you find that you are hard on yourself?  Do you feel like it is necessary to be hard on yourself?  Do you wish that you could end self-criticism and become much more happy and free? In this podcast, I discuss how you can begin to notice and work with self-criticism.  I go through the book “On My Own Side” by Aziz Gazipura, a mentor of mine.  You will learn the key lessons that Aziz teaches in his brilliant book in order to become less self-critical and more self-loving. If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to learn more about how to develop your soft skills, check out


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