Talk That! With Kim Blackett  

Talk That! With Kim Blackett

Author: Kimberly Blackett

Speaking on current issues and politics from a perspective of a black woman and her friends varying perspectives.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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Is this the awakening we’ve been waiting for??
Episode 1
Monday, 8 June, 2020

If you are lucky there comes a time when things align and start to click. Could 2020 be that for the world? Starting with what we though was a distant issue in China turns in a global pandemic. While much of the world in in quarantine there is the murder of Armaud Arbery gunned down. Our hearts bled and we did a social distancing run. Then when we started to settle in still grieving we see Goerge Floyd die with a knee to his neck calling out for his dead mother and we SCREAMED no more! Soon after we hear an old case start to get national attention. Breonna Taylor gunned down in her house because of a no knock warrant to the wrong house. We’ve been traumatized repeatedly with no breaks in the middle of having to sit still. Now more eyes are getting opened leaving people to wonder... is there an awakening happening? Could this be when the substantive changes started to develop??


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