Trauma Attachment Empowerment with Dr Melanie Burton  

Trauma Attachment Empowerment with Dr Melanie Burton

Trauma Attachment Empowerment

Author: BBS Radio, BBS Network Inc.

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Language: en-us

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Science, Social Sciences

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Trauma Attachment Empowerment, December 20, 2023
Wednesday, 20 December, 2023

Guest, Maria Baltazzi, Emmy-winning TV producer, wellbeing teacher, world traveler, and travel designer Happiness Explorer Maria Baltazzi helps you become happier and live more consciously. Maria’s experience as an Emmy-winning TV producer, wellbeing teacher, world traveler, and travel designer specializing in transformative adventures gives her a unique lens into conscious living. Sharing eight Happiness Essentials, Maria helps you discover your path to happiness in a fun, creative way that combines journaling and phone photography. With an MFA in film and a PhD in Conscious-Centered Living, Maria’s adventurous and giving spirit that include epic treks and charity walks on all seven continents, makes her an inspiration for living your best life.


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