Dinner in the D  

Dinner in the D

This podcast celebrates the great renaissance happening in and around the city of Detroit. The comeback is real, hosted by iHeart Media Regional President Paul Corvino. Paul has the movers and shakers that are responsible for the up and coming rise of...

Author: Dinner in the D with iHeartMedia Regional President Paul Corvino

This podcast celebrates the great renaissance happening in and around the city of Detroit. The comeback is real, hosted by iHeart Media Regional President Paul Corvino. Paul has the movers and shakers that are responsible for the up and coming rise of Detroit on this bi-monthly podcast.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, News, News Commentary

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Dinner in the D Podcast: Paul Joined by Detroit Greats
Thursday, 5 December, 2019

Check out another Dinner in the D podcast hosted by Paul Corvino and Jay Towers. This week we had Detroit finest, Detroit Police Chief James Craig, Detroit’s Dan Mullen and Emagine Theatre’s CEO, Anthony LaVerde.


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