Love Is Just Damn Good Business  

Love Is Just Damn Good Business

Author: Steve Farber

Its time to toss aside the touchy-feely notions of love in business and recognize the real power it holds. Love is not only appropriate in the context of business, its the foundation of great leadership, and, therefore, the very foundation of a thriving, competitive enterprise. Welcome to the Love Is Just Damn Good Business podcast where host Steve Farber talks with business leaders who are operationalizing love as a strategic advantage.Farbers guests share their proven strategies, inspiring case studies, and practical lessons on how to build corporate and team cultures based on lovethe ultimate competitive advantage. Youll discover why (and how) Love, at the end of the day, is just damn good business for you, too. Many businesspeople are frustrated by a gap between what they desire from their leadership and business efforts and what theyre able to accomplish; however, more and more successful leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs are successfully bridging that gap with phenomenal success. What is their secret? What code have they cracked?They go beyond the traditional definition of leadership to make a significant, positive difference on their own company or within the company that they work for. These are people who take their own personal development seriously and dont see it as something contrary to their professional development. And at their core, they recognize that love is a powerful leadership and business principleand they operationalize it in the way they work with colleagues, employees, and customers alike. The good news is that you can achieve that same level of success, too. Here on the Love Is Just Damn Good Business podcast, Steve Farber, Founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, will be teaching you how to operationalize love as a business and leadership practice.Your competitive advantage comes from your customers and clients loving what you do for them. Customer satisfaction just isnt enough anymore. So, how do you take your business to the hi
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Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

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The Power Of Community Building In Achieving Business Success With Tom Peters
Episode 11
Tuesday, 7 March, 2023

Community building is a key element of any successful business. Companies who have a well-connected network and create a strong bond with the people tend to thrive in the long run. In today’s episode, management guru Tom Peters joins Steve Farber to discuss the immense power and value of building a community to drive a business forward. He shares actionable tips on partnering with other businesses and forging meaningful connections with your target audience. Tom explains how turning them into long-lasting relationships can create better results and deliver a valuable impact to the community.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today:stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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