Adult Struggles  

Adult Struggles

Author: Ashley Barnhart

Ashley and her guests share their life struggles and lessons they've learned along the way. From ordinary everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning, to major life milestones like buying your first home, the Adult Struggles podcast discusses finance, family, travel, personal growth, career challenges and more. As a 20-something herself, Ashley doesn't claim to be a life expert, but simply desires to help others and save them from the struggle of figuring things out by sharing her successes and failures.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, How To, Self-Improvement

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AS 059: Financial Planning During an Economic Downturn
Episode 59
Tuesday, 21 July, 2020

We’re talking about a struggle that plagues all of us…at some point - personal finance. How to save your money, build your net worth, and ride out the ebbs and flows of the economy. If you have tuned into other episodes, you may remember the recent episode with Mark Willis where we talked about the major problems with our current financial system, along with possible solutions to build our wealth. And today, we’re welcoming Amanda Neely, who has followed Mark’s guidance to not only help with her family’s finances, but also to create her own personal finance resource called Grandma’s Wealth Wisdom.  We're going to be discussing ways you can get on the path to financial growth with consideration of the current economic downturn. Learn about the strategies that would "make grandma proud!" In this episode, we are covering many personal finance topics including: -Financial planning for the uncontrollable ups and down of the economy -The importance of teaching children about money and how to use it responsibly  -How the economic impact of COVID compares to the Great Recession (2007-2009) -Strategies for recovering (or increasing) net worth  -The story behind Grandma's Wealth Wisdom and why we need to be more like Grandma with our money ...and more!


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