Really Real Life  

Really Real Life

Author: Dallas Jordan Kelton-Febo

I'm a wife, mother of 2 and a Christian. I'll be sharing real life here, the ups the downs and tips I've learned along the way as well as my favorite products that make life just a little easier. This will include information rasing children, troubles in relationships, cloth diapering and other daily life stuff. Once a week I will be posting a reading of scripture until the book is over. I will try my very best to pronounce names of people and cities as well as other things as best I can. Thanks for hanging out! Be sure to follow so you get the latest episodes!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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A reading of scripture John 1-3
Episode 12
Friday, 25 February, 2022

I've recorded a reading of the first 3 chapters of th book of John. The beginning sounds confusing if you don't know that Jesus is He who is being spoken of in chapter 1. He was there in the beginning when the world was made. He also went to Nazareth and was not accepted by them (where He grew up) so He healed some and then left.


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