Chaos Busters 3-2-1 Action  

Chaos Busters 3-2-1 Action

Author: Lisa Olinda

Short and sweet, weekly episodes designed for overwhelmed business owners and non-profits leaders.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Management, Non-Profit

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Running Your Business During a Crisis: Client Communication
Episode 18
Thursday, 29 April, 2021

How do you communicate with clients during a crisis? Does it matter how you communicate with clients during a crisis? Client communication is vital during a crisis. A business crisis is not a new term in the business world because unexpected events happen daily. The current COVID-19 pandemic is a unique one since it affects businesses worldwide simultaneously and in an almost similar manner. It is both a social and financial crisis for companies and employees. The persistent spread of the pandemic is changing the way we work, live, and how we interact, thrusting business leaders and employees into new territory. During this uncertain period, businesses must ensure that communication is ongoing, accurate, and transparent.  In October 2020, a crisis struck my business. Cancer struck in our family, and the lens tightened into survival. I had recently hired new staff and had just onboarded a new client. Here are three thoughts to provoke you, two ideas to inspire you, and one item to act on!   Read more at


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