Two Wise Birds  

Two Wise Birds

Author: Sue Boynton & Jane Lelean

A podcast for all the dental team. Sue Boynton & Jane Lelean discuss all things dental. Workable ideas for dentists and teams. Sue & Jane are both dentists. Jane is an an International Business Coach and trainer Sue is an Independent Dentolegal Consultant We'd love to hear your feedback #Dentistry #DentalTeam #TwoWiseBirds
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Two Wise Birds
Thursday, 27 August, 2020

The Two Wise Birds discuss all things dental including that critical voice we all have from time to time, receiving a GDC letter, and a new training idea. The Two Wise Birds are Jane Lelean and Sue Boynton Do let us know what you'd like us to talk about!


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