

Neighborhood news from around the world

Author: Latitudes

Language: en-us

Genres: News

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Thursday, 22 September, 2011

Neighborhood news from around the world: this week, we look at how we play, where we play, and why play is so important. Latitudes is an hour-long weekly radio show that takes you into the lives of everyday people around the world. The stories are unexpected, rich in sound and riveting to hear -- they engage the intellect, the conscience and the imagination. They feature people who are finding constructive solutions to some of life’s toughest challenges. Latitudes features on-the-ground reporting by a vast international network of correspondents. We also train local reporters around the globe, who take us inside their communities. Latitudes is a collaborative production of the Global News Partnership, WAMU (Washington, DC), and WUNC (North Carolina). Editorial partners include the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, FHI-360, and the Christian Science Monitor.


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