Recovering Evangelicals  

Recovering Evangelicals

Author: Luke Jeffrey Janssen

A podcast for people who were once very comfortable in their Christian faith until the 21st century intruded and made it very hard to keep on believing. And for those who are intrigued by science, philosophy, world history, and even world religions . and want to rationalize that with their Christian theology. And for those who found thats just not possible and yet theres still a small part of them that wont let it go.
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Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

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#174 – A conservative scholar critiques our liberal theology
Thursday, 13 March, 2025

This is the conversation that motivated me to start Season Six: the book that got me questioning whether “my [liberal] faith was in vain” Folks, this interview is the one that rebooted the podcast!  The previous three episodes that started Season Six were all a lead-up to this conversation.  It was an article written by […]


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