JimBob's Podcast  

JimBob's Podcast

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Author: JimBob

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The Jim Bob Show | Ep.1 | Naked from the neck down to the waist
Tuesday, 5 January, 2016

WELCOME! This is the inaugural episode of... THE JIM BOB SHOW! During this episode, we went ahead and went through our (favorite) games of 2015 and some of the more disappointing aspects as well. The JimBob show is a show that is about video games, but more about society and the happenings around the world. Each week we will be introducing a new guest in our show and let them talk about what they like to do for shits and giggles. This week's guest is Instant Replay Live's Nick and Joe! Here is a link to their YouTube Channel Jim takes a weird stance and does his favorite Mobile Games while Bob decides on the top 5 of his liking. Some of the games include Fallout 4, Bloodborne, Alpha Bear, and MOOORE!


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