Ricardo Equips Artistic LeadersEquipping Leaders to Impact the 4 Digital Cultures of Music, Marketplace, Ministry, and Media! Author: Ricardo Butler / ReAsOn DiSciPLe
I exist to gather together creative artists that have been either rejected or have moved away from the existing music system to equip them to be artistic leaders in the Five Fold for the purpose of bringing the Ark (Praise, Principles, Pattern, People, Power, Provision, and Presence) of God back to the restored Davidical Tabernacle (the Body of Christ) to impact the digital Music, Marketplace, Ministry, and Media Cultures imparting faith, hope, and LOVE using our artistic abilities in the process. Language: en-us Genres: Business Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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015 Q&A with Survey
Monday, 6 May, 2013
My first Q&A session/survey. Let's hear what people had to asking concerning the music ministry, industry, and culture! If you are enjoying these posts, be sure to subscribe here and leave a comment at the bottom. Love you and Christ bless! Ricardo Butler aka ReAsOn DiSciPLe Creative Ministry Developer | Leadership Development | Author/Blogger | Spiritual Entrepreneur and Apostolic Founder: - MIC Assembly Network - Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders (R.E.A.L.), LLC Website @ http://www.ricardoequips.com/ Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/RicardoEquipsLeaders Twitter @ http://twitter.com/RicardoEquips YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/user/Reason4HipHop Amazon @ http://www.amazon.com/author/ricardoequips “Equipping and Leading God’s People into the Fullness of their Calling!” PS. If you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way, feel free to write me @ Ricardoequips5fold@gmail.com or Ricardo@ricardoequips.com Also, please share these with your social circles and again subscribe and leave a comment!