

Author: Charlie Gross and Michael Bernard

A podcast showcasing Mike's and Charlie's cynical, goofy and mostly uninformed thoughts and opinions about topics/people that don't matter.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy

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Episode 2: I Can Top That (That's What She Said)
Tuesday, 24 January, 2012

This episode is really, really good. And I'm not just saying that. In fact, I'm actually also typing it. Episode 2 is all about chaos, namely, Charlie and Mike's chaotic methods of recording a podcast. This one's really all over the place, and the whole topic, topic, topic theme gets thrown in la poubelle. Multiple topics are haphazardly tossed about with disregard for the topics' feelings and integrity. I swear it's good though. I mean, I'm just an anonymous episode description writer with absolutely no allegiance to this podcast, so you can trust me. I don't even get paid, seriously. And they hit me. Send help. Please.


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