The BCTGM Voices Project  

The BCTGM Voices Project

Author: BCTGM International Union

Highlighting the real people who make up The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) Union. Communications Director Michelle Ellis brings monthly interviews and Digital Insights to inspire authentic online dialogue between leadership, organizers and current and future members.
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Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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038: New Year, New Legislative Challenges | How BCTGM Local Unions in Right-to-Work States are Insulating their Union Culture with Internal Organizing
Saturday, 8 February, 2025

Different than the external act of going into facilities where there is no union and attempting to start one—Internal Organizing is fundamentally about building a union culture in your workplace where, when given the choice to belong or opt out of the Union, workers would ultimately desire to be a part of it. This is the only way to strengthen our Local Unions against the rising threat of Right-to-Work laws. Learn how BCTGM local Unions are doing it in the Right to Work states of Indiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma. We hear from:  David Woods, BCTGM International Secretary-Treasurer/Director of Organization Clint Lathrop, BCTGM Local 372A (Indianapolis, Ind.) Business Agent Rob Gaskins, BCTGM Local 57 (Columbus, Ohio) Business Agent Karlos Brothers, BCTGM Local 366G (Oklahoma City, Okla.) President Darian Haggins, BCTGM 366G (Oklahoma City, Okla.) Vice President with historical clips from former BCTGM Director of Organization John Price We dedicate this episode to our late Organizing Director John Price, who dedicated his entire working life to helping workers organize with the BCTGM. We will continue the fight in his honor. 


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