Saving America  

Saving America

Author: David Schein

Dr. David D. Schein searches for solutions to save America in the intersection between business and politics.
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Mattress Mack is saving America
Episode 54
Tuesday, 24 December, 2024

Jim McIngvale is a wealthy businessman better known as “Mattress Mack,” and he takes care of Houston residents – and honestly disaster victims nationwide - like no one else. Mattress Mack is saving America.   Thanks for joining me for this episode! I’m a Houston- based attorney, run an HR Consulting company called Claremont Management Group, and am a tenured professor at the University of St. Thomas. I’ve also written several non-fiction political commentary books: Bad Deal for America (2022) explores the Vegas-style corruption running rampant in Washington DC, while The Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures (2018) analyzes – and grades – the leadership qualities of the past 100 years of U.S. presidents. You can find my books on Amazon, and me on social media (Twitter @DSchein1, LinkedIn @DavidSchein, and Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube @AuthorDavidSchein). I’d love to hear from you!   As always, the opinions expressed in this podcast are mine and my guests’ and not the opinions of my university, my company, or the businesses with which I am connected.


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