Duddy Kids Talk  

Duddy Kids Talk

Author: Duddy Kids

Those Duddingston Primary School kids have a lot to talk about. Listen to their podcast series, kicking off with the theme of 'resilience'.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids

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Episode 1 - P4B talk all things 'Resilience'
Episode 1
Saturday, 26 October, 2019

All the children in the school were given an assignment to do as part of their 'Resilience' topic. Some of the children in Primary 4B decided to choose people they know in their everyday lives, as well as some people from the past and present that they admire for their resilience.   Gracie's little bother, Vinnie, Abbie's sister, Ellie, Rosa Parks, JK Rowling and Anne Frank are discussed in this episode. Find out what makes them resilient by listening to this short episode and hear the children give their top tips for developing resilience.  Don't forget to leave them a voice message! 


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