S.A.G.E. Holistic Show  

S.A.G.E. Holistic Show

Author: Emily Celis

Welcome to our holistic community! We have created this podcast to bring more awareness and attention to the field of holistic health and wellness in an effort to support individuals on their journey to wholeness. We focus on broad categories such as physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and will bring our own expertise as well as the expertise of other professionals in the health and wellness industry to our podcast. We are passionate about supporting a holistic lifestyle for those seeking balance.
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Language: en

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Episode 065 – {Can Nutrition Affect Mental Health?}
Episode 65
Monday, 29 August, 2022

Kaylee breaks it down so easily with how mental health is impacted by what we eat. She gets into the nitty gritty with how this truly works and explains about nutritional therapy and how this is about a lifestyle, not just your “diet”. We hope you’ll learn something new and let us know in the comments below what your takeaways from this episode are.


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