Milestone Fixers  

Milestone Fixers

Author: Urmi Shah

This series of Podcast is about parenting. helping a parent find solutions towards better parenting
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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How to crack Parenting frustration? Learn the "KNOW 5" rule to deal with Frustration as Parents
Episode 18
Tuesday, 21 March, 2023

I understand Parenting is not easy! Frustration, Anger, Enzyity are part of a game when you are a Parent. This Podcast talks about dealing with Frustration. If you are a parent who gets frustrated with your child or gets mad easily or if you are that parent who wants to control frustration but you end up losing your cool, &in the end, you regret losing the cool on your child….I have been in this position, and trust me, and it’s so disheartening to behave this way. If you have ever experienced any of this feeling or resonate with any of the above, this Podcast is just for you! Stay until the end of this podcast while we decode 5 simple ways to deal with this Frustration. Are you a Parent who gets frustrated with your child? Are you that mother who gets mad easily? Are you that Parent who wants to control that frustration, but you end up losing your cool, &in the end, are you that parent who regrets losing the cool on your child….I have been in this position, you will agree. We all have been in this position, & Trust me; it’s so disheartening to behave this way. If you have ever experienced any of this feeling or resonate with any of the above, this Podcast is just for you! Stay until the end of this podcast while we decode 5 simple ways to deal with this Frustration. Hi, I am Urmishah Parent Coach, and I am on a mission to help 100,000 parents have milestone free parenting. Creating awareness So here comes tried & tested hacks 5 tried & tested hacks to deal with frustration. 1) Know your Emotions: Parenting can get lonesome. All feelings are ok. As a parent of 2 girls …I repeat this phrase quite often to myself. The best way to deal with it is by allowing them to go &Being mindful of your emotions.  Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, observe your feelings, Proceed with what you are doing.  There is no point in reacting when you are on feelings 2) Know your child: It is easy to lose sight of emotions when you are with your kids all day. Just Remind  Yourself You are Dealing with Child, not Adult; we need to see them & know them who they are rather who we expect them to be.  This is a beautiful quote by Andrew Solomon 3) Know 1 .5 min rule: When there is a trigger in emotion, there is the chemical process that happens in the body ….its always better to wait for 90 sec & then express your feelings. Talk about the event or activity that disturbed you ….Remember to speak about the event & not blame  the child 4) Know your battle:  Is it such a big deal when dressing your daughter wears to go out to play?... sometimes it is, but often it isn’t .. when I am not, just let it go. It's easy to get into the battel with your kids, but it is not going to drum the point in their head if you scream, shout & yell & in the end, you are drained out, be wise in picking up your battel. 5) Know to Act rather than react: Most of the time, we React towards the situation rather than acting …your response towards the action will create the real change  …most of the time, we end up reacting ….when you recognize misstep or struggle in your parenting, shifts your gears to growth mindset & gratitude. Accept your behaviour when you have reacted to the situation. Finally, you are also a human ….insted of Regrating, accept your behaviour & say sorry


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