Redemption Church Tempe  

Redemption Church Tempe

Sermons preached at the Tempe Congregation of Redemption Church.

Author: Redemption Church

Sermons preached at the Tempe Congregation of Redemption Church. All of life is all for jesus. For more information visit
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Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

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Book of James: Partiality and The Overlooked
Episode 832
Tuesday, 11 March, 2025

The letter of James is often called the New Testament’s wisdom literature, offering practical guidance for living as followers of Jesus. Drawing creatively on Jesus’ teachings, James addresses important topics like enduring trials, controlling our speech, caring for the vulnerable, resisting favoritism, and putting faith into action through good works. This letter is filled with memorable, succinct wisdom meant to inspire reflection and guide believers in following Jesus in every area of life. As we journey through James together, our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will deepen our faith and empower us to live faithfully as disciples of Jesus in our everyday lives.This week, Pastor Jim Mullins teaches out of James 2:1-13.WEBSITETo learn more about Redemption Tempe, find ways to get involved,  or opportunities to serve, visit our website: APPDownload our app text "tempe app" to 77977STAY CONNECTEDFacebook:    / redemptiontempe.  .Twitter:    / redemptiontem  Instagram:    / redemptiontempe..  .GIVINGEverything we have is a gift from the Lord because He owns it all. Therefore giving should be a priority for us who have received all we have. Giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently is a part of our worship.Give Online:


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