Economy Insight  

Economy Insight

The National Institute of Economic and Social Res

Author: National Institute of Economic and Social Reseach

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research is Britain's longest established independent research institute, founded in 1938. The vision of our founders was to carry out research to improve understanding of the economic and social forces that affect peoples lives, and the ways in which policy can bring about change. Over eighty years later, this remains central to NIESRs ethos. We continue to apply our expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods and our understanding of economic and social issues to current debates and to influence policy.
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Unpacking The Effectiveness Of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions to Reduce Mortality
Monday, 19 August, 2024

In this episode, Freya Thomas is joined by NIESR Associate Research Director Edoardo Masset to discuss the effectiveness of the so called 'WASH' interventions, and what next in the implementations of these important packages to try to reduce mortality in the countries analyzed.


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