Humans for SDGs  

Humans for SDGs

Author: 2030 Youth Force in the Philippines Inc.

Humans for SDGs tells the stories of individuals from all walks of life who are actively supporting the achievement of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hosted by 2030 Youth Force in the Philippines Inc. (YFPH) National Convenor Eah Antonio, and National Director for Education and Research Brex Arevalo, it humanizes the ideals of the advocacy, inspiring young people to take action and actively engage in pursuit of a sustainable future. For collaborations, contact us at! Produced by: Eah Antonio & Ninna Adriano
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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S1E7: On Challenges to the Philippine Education System, Ensuring Accessible Quality Education, and More With Princess Godoy
Episode 7
Wednesday, 14 October, 2020

Princess Godoy, a professional teacher with a background in psychology, is keen on ensuring quality education amidst today’s challenges. Discover how the 2030 Youth Force in the Philippines Inc. (YFPH) SDG 4 Ambassador is doing what she can to promote accessible learning during these trying times. Catch the latest episodes as we feature more humans for SDGs! Follow us on Facebook (, Twitter (https://twitter.comyouthforceph), and Instagram ( to get the latest updates. For partnerships and collaborations, email us at Hosted by: Eah Antonio & Brex Arevalo Produced by: Eah Antonio & Ninna Adriano


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