The Cool Nerd Podcast  

The Cool Nerd Podcast

Author: Diego Rodriguez

Hello and welcome to my Podcast! Now, I must be honest, this podcast is just me rambling on and on about things that I'm learning. It really goes from political history & economics to the latest in data science. Whatever book, article or pamphlet I find interesting, I'll read it. Why do I learn so many things that are completely unrelated? Because I'm curious. That's it. My goal with this whole shebang is to spike some curiosity within you. Who knows? Maybe one episode will spark some curiosity within you. Enough for you to dig a little deeper into something you never knew you lik
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Genres: Business, Careers

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#002 - The Coronavirus Pandemic! Start Digging Up Your Bunker!
Episode 2
Wednesday, 11 March, 2020

* Stock Markets were on an all time red. The S&P fell by 7,6% in one day. * Gold rose to 1,7k $ for the first time in 7 years. * Currency investors looking into safer currencies like the yen. * Saudi Arabia played a dirty trick on Russia * The oil-price spikes of the 1970s and early 1990s led to recessions because they transferred income from oil-consuming countries in the West to oil-producing countries in the Middle East. The consumers were forced to cut spending, but the producers saved much of their windfall. The net effect was to squash aggregate demand. So a sharp drop should act as a stimulus. * Saudi is planning on targeting world economy by hitting russia directly * Russia decided to cut production to stabilise the price of oil so that the economy wouldnt crumble. * Saudi decided to do the complete oposite, work on giving oil discounts to their clients. * In theory, when the price of the oil goes down, the westen economy rises because they haave more to consume. * The issue is that the U.S is still a big producer of oil. by the oil barrel dropping, it affects on it's economy. * 6% means losses of BILLIONS of dollars, * EXXONMOBIL lost about 100$billion dollars in the span of 1 day. * Situation is different than 2008 but it is still a hard pill to swallow * 12% plunge in 12 days for the s&p 500 is not a funny feeling * Situation is very different between now and 2008. first & foremost, it didn't have the biggest epidemic in 17 years. What happened in 2008. * Easy credit & raising home prices resulted in a speculative real estate bubble. * Easy credit meant people who couldn't afford properties would be getting loans for big houses. * Many people couldnt pay the houses they were living in it so they would sell it. The increased home equity would cover the payments but the home would be lost. Because this massive bailout happened, Many Giant corporations filed bankrupcy, like the American International Group (AIG) and the Lehman brothers. How will this affect U.S politics. The American elections are later this year. Trump has managed to lower the unemployment rate to an all time low in the us (3,6%) Ether you like him or not, Mr Orange Tan is a well renowned business man who has kept the American Economy at a stable growth. The American people wouldn't risk changing Political spectrum in the midst of an economic crisis. In my opinion, Trump could not be in a better place to win the 2020 Presidential elections.


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