Fang Faction Radio  

Fang Faction Radio

The Best Pucking Podcast in Smashville!

Author: Fang Finger

Listen to Fang Faction Radio weekly, as host, Fang Finger and co-hosts, Ryan Shannon and Ray Harris talk about the latest Preds news. Also, we are treated with a Admirals report from Jason Bohn. Together, we are all writers that discuss the latest Nashville Predators news on Follow us on Twitter: @RyanTShannon, @CanadasPredsFan, @jasonbohn9 and @Fang_Finger
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Language: en-us

Genres: Sports

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Festivus for the Restivus Podcast
Sunday, 23 December, 2012

Happy Festivus everyone! Fang Faction Radio welcomes you to listen to our Festivus Podcast. Throughout the podcast, guests--seen after the jump--will "air their grievances" about the hockey world that they have bottled up until now. Later on, host Fang Finger selects one person who will participate in the "Feits of Strength", who will wrestle Frank Costanza to end the holiday of Festivus. Get out your aluminum poles and prepare for the Festivus celebration. We encourage you to air your grievances to us by either commenting in the comment section below, emailing, or Tweeting to @Fang_Faction. It is time for Festivus for the Restivus! Guests Justin Bradford (@PenaltyBoxRadio and Dan Bradley (@DanDBradley and *Ray Harris (@CanadasPredsFan) *Ryan Shannon (@RyanTShannon) *-Hosts of the show as well


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