Safe As Milk  

Safe As Milk

Adam and Mike using swear words to talk about things they like.

Author: Michael Flynn and Adam Tabib

The plan is that Adam and Mike each come up with three things to talk about. The hope is that the conversation expands beyond the list. The result is something to listen to. Adam and Mike cover the standard pop culture podcast topics but aren't shy about branching into things you've hopefully not heard of.
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Language: af

Genres: Hobbies, Leisure

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Episode 230: The Volume of Meat
Monday, 22 April, 2024

Mike's Picks: * (17:58) Cindy Lee - Diamond Jubilee ( * (29:44) Ducks Ltd. ( Adam's Picks: * (13:25) BigXthaPlug ( * (24:49) Balatro ( Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Jake's work at the hospital continued unabated. He became a fixture within the medical staff, his x-ray vision proving invaluable in diagnosing conditions that had eluded traditional methods. Patients from all walks of life sought out his expertise, grateful for the chance at accurate diagnoses and timely treatments. Jake found solace in their gratitude, his sense of purpose renewed with each life he touched. Yet, as time passed, Jake began to notice subtle changes within himself. The strain of constantly using his x-ray vision weighed heavily on his body and mind. Headaches became a frequent companion, and his vision blurred intermittently, leaving him disoriented and vulnerable. Despite the toll it took on him, Jake couldn't bring himself to turn away from those in need. He pushed himself to the limit, convinced that his sacrifice was a small price to pay for the lives he was saving. However, amidst the chaos of the hospital, a new threat emerged—one that Jake had never anticipated. A shadowy figure lurked in the periphery of his vision, their presence ominous and foreboding. At first, Jake dismissed it as a trick of his overtaxed mind, but as the sightings grew more frequent, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Then, one fateful night, as Jake made his rounds through the deserted corridors, the figure materialized before him, their form obscured by darkness. With a chilling voice, they revealed themselves as a being drawn to Jake's powers, seeking to harness them for their own nefarious purposes. Jake realized with a sinking heart that his x-ray vision had attracted not only admiration but also envy and malevolence. And as the villain's sinister laughter echoed through the empty halls, Jake knew that his greatest challenge had only just begun.


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