

Author: Joshua Carvalho

In this podcast, I interview friends of mine about their life-long journeys of pursuing God and God's relentless pursuit of them. All of my guests have authentic, dynamic relationships with God and have had life-changing encounters with Him. We go deep into the details of what their lives were like before encountering God, how exactly God drew them into a personal relationship with Him, what the key turning points were in their spiritual journey, and what transformations have taken place in their lives as a result of knowing God. Lastly, if you enjoyed the intro and outro music written by my friend Brandon Rodriguez, you could download the entire song and many other worship songs for free at and you could find more of Brandon's music at
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Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Voodoo priest father tried to sacrifice him as a baby, but his mother saved him. After living a lifestyle of drug dealing and sexual promiscuity he ran to God after his witch girlfriend tried to destroy him: Janil Sanon's Testimony
Episode 31
Thursday, 26 September, 2024

Born to a voodoo priest in Haiti, his mother saved him from being sacrificed by his father. After years of child abuse from step fathers and church abuse from leaders, he rebelled against his family and church to lead a destructive lifestyle of sin and crime. Eventually, the evil got so dark that the only person who could save him was God. 


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