A Elder Scrolls: Online Podcast

Author: Thomas Powers

Join your four hosts, Tom, Tim, Sophie, and Dan in an in-depth discussion, analysis, dissection, and speculation of upcoming news on Zenimax Online Studios upcoming MMORPGThe Elder Scrolls: Online! The four hosts are dedicated to becoming the most accurate TESO podcast on the web. They believe in providing accountable coverage and constructive feedback to the latest content of the Elder Scrolls Online!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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TROLL SCROLL Episode 20: The Console Agenda
Sunday, 30 June, 2013

Just a heads up, this episode was recorded June 18th. That is a few days after the E3 event. Some of the topics discussed in this podcast related to Xbox One and PS4 have changed with recent revisions from Microsoft. However, all TESO news is still up to par in regard to what is speculated in this episode. It has been awhile since our last episode. In this one Tom, Tim, and Sophie break down and discuss what Zenimax Online revealed at this most recent E3 event. Is it good or bad that TESO is launching on consoles? The Troll Scroll Crew have a very deep discussion revolving around that question. Thank you for tuning in, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!


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