Brotherhood of Gamers  

Brotherhood of Gamers

Author: richsabey

Join 4 friends who became brothers in open conversation on gaming, tech, and entertainment. Come and join Jerry Herb, Heff, Moore, and Jinx weekly for insights, opinion, and comedy. Gaming is our passion and we invite you to be part of the BOG family.
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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Episode 5: Anthem Demo & Black Armory Update
Episode 4
Tuesday, 5 February, 2019

Moore, Jinx, and Heff discuss the highly anticipated game Anthem and its demo weekends that have just happened. The final forge has been opened for everyone in Destiny 2 and a discussion about the current state of Destiny is also had. Bungie and Activision have divorced and anticipation surrounds the upcoming Destiny 3 game and how great the potential for this game is. 


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