Je Parle ANGLAIS  


Author: Wanko Clive

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Genres: Business, Education, Entrepreneurship, Language Learning

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Episode 72 : Driving, Road and Cars 🚘 (Advanced English vocabulary).
Episode 72
Sunday, 28 July, 2024

Episode 72 : Driving, Road and Cars 🚘 (Advanced English vocabulary). Today we will talk about advanced vocabulary concerning Driving, Road and Cars . The programme includes 69 terms you need to know to be effective in Driving, Road and Cars. Liste of vocabulary & traduction 1. To speed up = accelérer 2. aerial = antenne 3. air conditioning = climatisation 4. alley = ruelle 5. back seat = siège arrière 6. bend = virage 7. bike = bicyclette 8. dead-end street = impasse 9. to blink = cligner des yeux 10. a block = un pâté de maisons 11. hood = capot 12. trunk = coffre 13. brake = frein 14. brake light = feu de freinage 15. brake pedal = pédale de frein 16. breakdown = panne 17. bridge = pont 18. to span a river = enjamber une rivière 19. to bump into. to crash into. to collide = rentrer dans. percuter 20. bump = bosse 21. bumper = pare-chocs 22. bus lane = voie de bus 23. by-pass = raccourci 24. camper van = caravane 25. car dealer = concessionnaire 26. car hire = location de voiture 27. parking lot = parking 28. to switch gear = passer une vitesse 29. to change lanes = changer de voie 30. cigarette lighter = allume-cigar 31. clutch = embrayage 32. commuter = personne qui voyage entre son domicile et son travail 33. congested = embouteillé 34. traffic jam = embouteillage 35. corner = virage 36. country lane = petite route 37. crash = accident 38. crossroads = carrefour 39. cycle lane = piste cyclable 40. dashboard = tableau de bord 41. dealership = concession 42. disabled parking space = Espace de stationnement pour handicapés 43. driver's license or driving license = permis de conduire 44. driving school = auto-école 45. engine = moteur 46. environement-friendly = respectueux de l'environnement 47. exhaust pipe = tuyau d'échappement 48. fender = aile de voiture 49. flat tire = pneu à plat 50. fork = bifurcation 🔔 Remember to subscribe to the Je Parle Anglais Podcast to receive episodes in real time! 📬 Sign up for our Newsletter to get the inside scoop on our business :⬇️ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ And leave me a 5-star review on iTunes or Spotify 📩 Private message :⬇️ ✉️ to drop any feedback on this podcast drop us an email on : 👇🏾👇🏾 For more insights listen to our following episode.👋🏾


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