Clever and Original Podcast  

Clever and Original Podcast

Each week we come together to discuss the latest

Author: Clever & Original

Each week we come together to discuss the latest in gaming and comic book movie news!
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure

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Clever and Original Episode 205: Final Episode...for now?
Monday, 19 August, 2019

This is the last week that these 3 friends will come together to discuss the latest in comic book, movie and gaming news! This week you have JJ "Nirvana T-shirt" Larson, Jayden Reinhart (the man with the plan) and, your host, Kayley Misialek. Find JJ on Twitter @Jlarson107, Instagram at jjlars, and Munrill on Steam Find Jayden on Twitter @JaydenReinhart Find Kayley on Twitter @Kaymisialek And find all of us @Clever_Original Make sure to check out the version of this podcast with video on our Youtube page "Clever Original". Thanks for your support and stay clever!


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