Is it right for Joe Biden to remove the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office?  

Is it right for Joe Biden to remove the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office?

Author: Politiking

With Biden removing the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, has this set the scene with US U.K. relations?
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Will the UK get a favourable deal with the US after Boris spoke with Biden?
Episode 1
Monday, 25 January, 2021

With Biden now in the Whitehouse, the UK is on the hunt for a trade deal with the US. When the bust of Winston Churchill was removed from the Oval Office under Barack Obama, Boris had something to say about it. Now the bust has been removed once again, Boris is silent. We can see the PM is trying to butter up the US President to seek a trade deal, especially as we’ve exited the EU. The only downside to this arrangement is that Biden was not a supporter of Brexit. The question is, will the UK get a favourable deal with the US or will there be many caveats associated within the deal as Biden is a massive globalist.


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