Slavonic with the Saints /Author: David Anderson
This is an experimental podcast aimed at promoting knowledge and appreciation for the Church Slavonic language and Slavic Orthodox culture through short, manageable, grammar lessons and readings from the bible, liturgy, lives of the saints, and historical chronicles. , , , , . Language: en-us Genres: Education, Language Learning Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Mar 7 (Mar 20): Памѧть Преподобнагѡ Ѻтца нашегѡ Ємїлїана монаха / Ven Father Emilian the monk (English Only)
Saturday, 20 March, 2021
Part of the Slavonic text: Въ градѣ Римстѣмъ бѣ нѣкїй человѣкъ именемъ Вїкторинъ, ѿ юности во многихъ грѣсѣхъ житїе свое провождаѧй, той послѣжде въ старости своей прїиде въ чꙋвство, и воспоминаѧ грѣхи своѧ трепеташе Божїѧ сꙋда. Вшедъ ѹбѡ во єдинъ ѿ свѧтыхъ монастырей, и ѹмоливъ игꙋмена прїѧтꙋ ємꙋ быти, ѿвержесѧ всѣхъ вещей міра сегѡ. и бысть монахъ. наречно же бѣ ємꙋ во иночестѣмъ обраꙁѣ имѧ Ємїлїанъ.