Where's My Happy Ending?  

Where's My Happy Ending?

Author: Global

Whats the secret to living happily ever after with someone (or some two or three)? Wheres My Happy Ending? is from the team behind the award-winning Dirty Mother Pukka podcast: Heart Radio presenter Anna Whitehouse (@mother_pukka) and journalist husband Matt Farquharson (@papa_pukka). Each episode sees an interviewee grilled about love, life and how to get to happily ever after whatever that looks like to them. From the famous chef who had a decade long affair, to the stand-up comedian who became a national pariah and the transgender activist who walked out on a marriage to transition in mid-life, it takes a humourous peek in to other lives and what theyve learned in the search for happily ever after.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family

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Book Launch, Live
Episode 6
Tuesday, 3 March, 2020

What’s the secret to living happily ever after with someone (or some two or three)? Where’s My Happy Ending? is from the team behind the award-winning Dirty Mother Pukka podcast: Heart Radio presenter Anna Whitehouse (@mother_pukka) and journalist husband Matt Farquharson (@papa_pukka). In this episode, Matt and Anna give answers too questions on their new book, Where's My Happy Ending, with live audio from their book launch event. Listen and subscribe to Where's My Happy Ending on Global Player or wherever you get your podcasts. Insta @papa_pukka @mother_pukka


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