Revivify Church Podcast  

Revivify Church Podcast

Author: Pastor Devin Mitchem

Revivify Church's Sunday sermon archives. We are a non-denominational church in Augusta, GA. Learn more at
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, Education, Religion & Spirituality, Self-Improvement

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Undignified - Part 1
Monday, 10 March, 2025

The Western church often struggles with maintaining dignity at the expense of genuine praise and worship. While dignity itself isn't wrong, it becomes problematic when it prevents authentic expression of devotion to God. True praise involves celebrating God's righteous acts through various expressions including singing, shouting, and dancing. Worship goes beyond praise, requiring complete surrender and transformation, moving from exuberant celebration to reverent submission before God. Breaking free from the constraints of dignity allows for a more authentic and powerful connection with God.Key Verses:2 Samuel 6:20-22, Luke 19:37-40, Psalm 150:1-6, Romans 12:1-2Key Takeaways:Praise is acknowledging what God has done, while worship is about who God is.Biblical praise involves physical expression (singing, shouting, dancing).Dignity that inhibits praise and worship is harmful to spiritual growth.True worship requires complete surrender and leads to personal transformation.We must remember our position as created beings before the Creator.Reflection Questions:Why do you think we often find it easier to get excited about temporal things (like sports) than about God?How do you typically express praise to God? What holds you back from being more expressive?The pastor mentioned that we don't get to choose how we praise and worship God. How does this challenge your current view of worship?What's the difference between praise and worship according to the sermon?How might our 'dignity' be preventing us from experiencing God's presence more fully?What does it mean to worship God 'in spirit and in truth'?How can we create an environment where God's presence can 'rest' in our church gatherings?What steps can you take to move from just going through the motions to genuine worship?Practical Application:This week, intentionally set aside time each day for both praise and worship. During praise, focus specifically on thanking God for what He has done in your life. During worship, focus on who He is, laying aside your dignity and approaching Him with complete surrender.Support the show


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