Cloud Therapy with | Elevate your IT career! | Weekly discussions on how to navigate business cloud technologyAuthor: Mike Smith
Enlightening information on the latest business cloud technology that will elevate your career in IT. Every week, we bring in experienced engineers and experts from various business cloud service providers to discuss tactical tips that IT professionals can use to improve their company's profit... through the cloud. From VoIP to IaaS to WAN, this show will give you the information that you never have time to learn... and that your boss wants to hear. Language: en-us Genres: Business, Careers, Technology Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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E030: Cutting Through Contracts Like a Samurai
Monday, 14 November, 2016
Have you ever looked at a telecom or cloud contract and thought "why even bother..."? Matt Milhauser is the VP of Strategy and Innovation for Advantix... and he's also a Samurai of contracts. You'll learn Matt's 5 things to look for in a vendor contract and how to negotiate them so well that you'll walk away as your company's contract HERO!