The Ardent Vault  

The Ardent Vault

Author: The Ardent Vault

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Lianne Young Interviews Del Chapman for SurvivorsUK
Episode 5
Sunday, 12 July, 2020

Del has worked for over a decade developing and delivering group work for a variety of organisations. As the Community Engagement Manager at The Terrence Higgins Trust, he supported many groups including men at risk of or experiencing sexual violence, people living with HIV, and men involved in Chemsex. At National Ugly Mugs he delivered bespoke learning packages on sex work safety and legislative issues to the police and projects across the UK, as well as leading on policy and programme development. In his current role at 'SurviorsUk' and the NHS, he manages works with projects in key London boroughs to increase the sexual health provision for marginlised groups including LGBTQ+, BAME, homeless people, sex workers, and drug users. Del is the Chair of The Josephine Butler Society. SurvivorsUK was established as a service for male survivors, to cater for people not provided for by other services. They are an inclusive service and welcome anyone who identifies as male, trans, non-binary, has identified as male in the past, or anyone who feels that they are the right fit for them.


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