

Author: Scott K. James

My name is Scott James. For four decades, it has been my honor to have an ongoing conversation with the people of Colorado. As a radio personality, as a community advocate and leader, as an elected public servant, and as a friend I have come to know and love you. The Scott Cast will be filled with just my random thoughts - culture, society, spirituality, politics, and explanations of things I believe need explaining.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, News, News Commentary, Religion & Spirituality

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Episode 91: Seaons change, so must we
Episode 91
Monday, 14 October, 2024

The changing seasons remind us of God’s perfect timing in all things, both natural and national. As we face political shifts and cultural challenges, we must stand firm in truth. Trust in God’s control, knowing that He guides the rise and fall of nations according to His divine plan.


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