Basic Refrigeration 101  

Basic Refrigeration 101

Refrigeration is hot!

Author: HRP Training

If you are in the heat transfer business, you can benefit from broadening your useful knowledge of refrigeration. This may improve your efficiency on the job, make you more flexible in your job duties, increase your value to your company and yourself, and make you a better contributor to our industry. This course will exposure you to new resources, reinforce heat transfer doctrines and provide a better understanding of: Basic Refrigeration Terms Basic Refrigeration Theory Basic Refrigeration Cycle Basic Refrigeration Components Components Purposes Components Functions Components Recognition
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Refrig Process
Tuesday, 30 September, 2008

In this 5th episode, we will cover the refrigeration process in more detail. This is an entry-level presentation of materials for novice and beginning listeners who want to learn: • Refrigeration Process • 3 Conditional States of Refrigerants


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