Raising The Vibration  

Raising The Vibration

Author: Lety Martinez

Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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5D Relationships
Wednesday, 10 February, 2021

2021 is the year where people who are doing their inner work, their spiritual work and are awakening to the new ways or frequencies, are tuning into something deeper that comes at a level of the spirit and the soul. In this episode I talk about: In what way are you basing your relationships? The difference between a 3D and 5D relationship How to enter into a 5D relationship At the end I will give you 3 tips that will help you take the next step into a 5D relationship If you want to receive the latest episodes every week, subscribe to Spotify, Apple or Google Podcasts or on my website where you can also get the notes of this episode!


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