Stay Wild  

Stay Wild

Author: Norma Jean

A podcast about how to keep your quirks in the wondrous world!
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Stay Wild Ep. #36: Soma Temple
Episode 70
Tuesday, 18 June, 2019

Hey little humans, I’m Norma Jean and Welcome to Stay Wild, the podcast about how to keep your quirks in the wonderous world! This is episode #36 with Soma Temple, creator of “Bali Malas” and “Aum Rudraksha Designs,” contemporary Malas inspired by hindu spirituality, guided by Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja). More than 20 years ago in India, the well-known spiritual teacher Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja) told Soma that since she lived so close to the source of the highest quality Rudraksha beads on the planet, her Dharma (destiny) was to spread them to the western world. They had been kept sacred in India, with primarily sadhu’s and holy people wearing them. Papaji said the world is in chaos and it was time to bring the awareness of rudrakshas to the masses. He also predicted, “that the whole world would be at peace if everyone was wearing them”. Soma’s journey with Rudraksha beads has been incredibly organic, inspired, and unexpected. Since a very young age she was attracted to them and always felt their sacred energy without really understanding what they were, until Papaji’s words helped her accept the dharma bestowed upon her. She then created Aum Rudraksha Designs in 2003 Soma started slowly as a hobby selling them here and there, also gifting them to those close to her. She started noticing how they were actively affecting these people’s lives and saw clearly the positive changes in those around, that had started wearing Rudraksha beads. It first became apparent in her staff. As they started to work with rudraksha’s many of their problems were lessening and disappearing as they became more peaceful, discovering their true self. Living in Bali for over 30 years, Hinduism slowly but surely crept into Soma’s life as she was always attracted to Balinese rituals and ceremonies. “I believe the essentials for a happy life is to accept that which arises in your life, to say YES to your dharma and to your mission.” -Soma Temple   Listen to more of Soma’s incredible journey this episode and don’t forget to connect with Soma below. IG | @aumrudrakshadesigns   Today’s episode was brought to you by me, Norma Jean. You can find all of the details for Camp Clarity- the incredible transformational retreat we chat about on the show at   Thanks again for listening, if you’re liking the show please leave us a review on iTunes, and tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts from! You can view all of our episodes at and find us on Instagram at @staywildpodcast.   You can hear all of my music that we use on the show at, see my cartoons, grab one of my hand-made shirts at and find me on Instagram @normajeanlovesdoodles.  


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