Scared to SACRED  

Scared to SACRED

Scared to SACRED

Author: Evangeline Hemrick

Inclusive spirituality with encouragement for uncertain times. Transform fear into personal power through self-care, conscious living, community and energy awareness for modern life. Interviews with brave people who have faced their fears and won. Tutorials and classes on how to create a sacred life by transmuting fear.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Fifth Dimension Ascension: What dimension are you experiencing?
Episode 11
Wednesday, 30 December, 2020

Are we in 3-D, 4-D or 5-D? The answer is all of these and then some. We're hearing a lot of talk about dimensional shifts, planetary convergence and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. But what does this really mean for YOU, personally, and how do you know what dimension you're currently experiencing? I was recently interviewed for a book about fifth dimensional women and I love the questions she brought up during the interview. I said if I had to sum up fifth dimensional experiences in one sentence, I would say 5-D is all about living in the synchronicity and sovereignty. It's not that synchronicities don't happen in 3-D life, but they become the norm in the fifth dimensional experience. Personal sovereignty over our bodies, minds and emotions is the baseline of 5-D. In a 3-D, existence, it's typical to give our power away, feeling separate and divided. Keep in mind there's no judgement when we speak about these vibrational states because we are ALL existing in all dimensions. Therapists and healers will get this because you know how many different kinds of states you can experience while doing a healing session. We are all multi-dimensional, holographic beings. There's no reason to judge our own vibrational state or anyone else's because we hop into different dimensional realities al the time. My near death experience helped me to understand dimensions and how we operate within them. Here's a wonderful workbook to help you with your own ascension process-ALOHA: Ideals of Ascension Shamanism by, Dale Stacy Dale and I enjoyed a great conversation about Ascension and operating in different dimensions on my other podcast, Inside the Healing Room. Check out the podcast interview here. Thank you for listening to Scared to SACRED podcast. I am going to consolidate into one show in 2021, so make sure and subscribe to Inside the Healing Room


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