Putting Science to Work  

Putting Science to Work

Author: BBC Radio 4

Jim Al-Khalili and guests work out how science can best be put to work to solve a pressing problem facing society.
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Language: en

Genres: Technology

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Thursday, 7 April, 2016

The recent Public Health England report on sugar reduction recommended that we slash the amount of sugar we eat to just seven teaspoons a day. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity have all been linked to high sugar intake. Treating obesity and its consequences alone costs the NHS £5.1m per year.Jim Al-Khalili invites three scientific experts from different disciplines into the studio to present the evidence behind their strategy to reduce our sugar intake:- Dr Peter Scarborough, a mathematician from the Nuffield Department of Public Health at Oxford has been analysing sugar taxes - Prof Theresa Marteau, a behavioural psychologist from the University of Cambridge, studies the effects of portion sizes - Jenny Arthur, Director of Innovation and Nutrition at Leatherhead Food Research is experimenting with the microscopic structure of sugar particlesProducer: Michelle Martin.


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