Excuse Me While I Yogini  

Excuse Me While I Yogini

Excuse Me While I Yogini- Podcast Yoga Classes with Hallie

Author: Hallie Kazda

My name is Hallie and I am a certified yoga teacher, sharing my classes for free with you. Join me on your mat for a unique experience. The classes are based in Hatha Yoga, with specific details to the Anusara alignment principles. There is an emphasis on body awareness and body acceptance. Each class is a journey that brings you closer to who you really are. Breathe. Listen. Be You. And Excuse Me While I Yogini...
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Hobbies, Leisure

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Detox Series
Wednesday, 29 January, 2014

Many health-minded people detox and cleanse by eating pure foods, juices, and smoothies. I have done some juice feasting and smoothies cleanses the past few years, and I have always thought of detoxing as a result of my eating habits until my yoga training. My teacher led a detox yoga series. This blew my mind! […]


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