Author: Thi Nguyen

Have you ever been curious about why kpop songs or korean singers are famous on the world today?Or are you a huge Kpop fan with no one else to geek out with about it?Lucky for you,welcome to K-POPTALK where I discuss everything KPOP and Korean singers news.I will share for y'all about the top 10 k-pop songs in week with a hot singer in week.
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The top 10 kpop songs of the week
Episode 1
Monday, 17 May, 2021

Have you ever been curious about why kpop songs or korean singers are famous in the world today?Or are you a huge Kpop fan with no one elseĀ  to geek out with about it? Lucky for you,welcome to K-POPTALK where I discuss everything KPOP and Korean singers news.


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