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Building A Harmonious Family With Nevena BazalacAuthor: Nevena Bazalac
99% of people say that family is the most important thing in their life! Yet, building a harmonious family can be a challenge to many of us. So many questions we don't have answers to! In this podcast, Nevena Bazalac Dubai's #1 Harmonious family expert and coach, interviews parents around the globe so you can hear real stories, experiences and struggles. Every guest will share a discovery about parenting that nobady told them about and Nevena will share unique tools and strategies on how you can enjoy parenting more and build that harmonious family you have dreamed about! Language: en Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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Effects of Abusive Childhood on Our Own Parenting Style
Episode 62
Friday, 17 September, 2021
In this episode, my guest is Suzie Welstead, mother and a certified happiness life coach for trauma survivors and victims of domestic violence. In this interview, she shares her incredible story of growing up with emotional violence and how it affected her parenting style. In her work, Suzie empowers people to explore the happiness within, which they have suppressed due to life experience and conditioning. Suzie herself experienced homelessness at the age of 17 to escape emotional, physical and mental abuse. Suzie believes that the next generation needs us more than ever, her mission and message is to believe in yourself. To connect with Suzie go to: https://schoolofchange.co.uk/suzie-welstead To connect with me, Nevena, and access my webinars, download my e-book "3 Steps To Successful Parenting" and join my online parenting courses go to https://nevenabazalac.com/