IAWJ Insights  

IAWJ Insights

Author: International Association of Women Judges

Welcome to IAWJ Insights, the official podcast of the International Association of Women Judges. The IAWJ is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose members represent all levels of the judiciary worldwide. It works to empower women judges, promote human rights and ensure equal justice for all. Created in 1991, the IAWJ has now grown to a membership organization of over 6000 people in more than 100 countries and territories. IAWJ Insights features our incredible members and spotlights initiatives and issues taking place in their countries and/or regions.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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Romper el Techo de Cristal Judicial
Wednesday, 30 June, 2021

La ex presidenta de la IAWJ, la jueza Vanessa Ruiz, la actual vicepresidenta, la Ministra en retiro Margarita Luna Ramos y la Directora Regional para Europa, África del Norte y Medio Oriente, la Magistrada Gloria Poyatos Matas discuten acerca del techo de cristal en el ámbito judicial, qué factores contribuyen a ello y cómo romperlo. 


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