News Deeply  

News Deeply

Founded in 2012, News Deeply is an innovative net

Author: News Deeply

Founded in 2012, News Deeply is an innovative network of theme-driven information and community platforms, convening engaged, knowledgeable, and passionate audiences. Led by an award winning team of domain-expert journalists, our topical platforms combine real-time storytelling, investigative reporting and data, and expert-driven insights with online and offline community interactions. Our readers and our partners include leaders from the private sector, government, civil society, and academia and research, as well as members of the engaged public. In an increasingly complicated information environment, we surface the vital insights and stakeholder connections that help to advance conversations and inform decision making on the issues that matter, deeply, to the state of our world today.
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Deeply Talks: Refugee Children and Resilience
Wednesday, 27 February, 2019

More than half of the world’s 25.4 million refugees are children. They often spend years, if not their entire childhoods, displaced. What does this mean for early childhood development? How are they affected by lack of access to education or psychological help? And how does toxic stress impact the rest of their lives? Joining this discussion are Lynne Jones, writer, aid worker and visiting scientist at FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University, and Sweta Shah, global lead of early child development for the Aga Khan Foundation.


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