This Week: Disassembled  

This Week: Disassembled

Author: Aaron J. Pellot

"This Week: Disassembled" is a weekly podcast discussing politics, culture, and intersectionality. Jim and Aaron discuss some of the week's most consequential events and topics, creating a meaningful dialogue during a divisive era.
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Language: en-us

Genres: News, News Commentary

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August 12, 2020 - Kamala Harris, Allan Lichtman, and the Duality of the moment
Episode 9
Wednesday, 12 August, 2020

This week Jim and Aaron discuss Joe Biden's VP selection, Allan Lichtman's 2020 prediction, and more!  Note: Minor audio differences due to technical difficulties this week.  2:00 - What has the response been to Kamala Harris?  16:00 - Aaron's thoughts on the Harris pick  25:00 - Is Harris Evolving?  40:00 - Donald Trump and the Payroll tax  53:00 - Allan Lichtman makes his 2020 prediction for the Presidency  1:04:00 - Didn't Jim Predict some of this?  1:18:00 - Do you think Trump wins again?  From the show Allan Lichtman makes his pick for the 2020 election - Intro song: MAJID JORDAN - Shake, shake, shake  Outro Song: Grateful Dead - Bertha


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