Leadership Is No Accident  

Leadership Is No Accident

Author: Andy Robbins, Oyster

We believe in a radically simple idea, that leadership is no accident. These stories take you inside how people lead in our increasingly fast paced and complex world to achieve outcomes others didn't believe were possible.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

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Amobi Okugo - Professional Soccer Player and Entrepreneur
Episode 8
Tuesday, 12 October, 2021

2:30 - The dream of becoming a professional athlete5:30 - Leadership and leaders in soccer 9:00 - Leadership from a team perspective 11:00 - Understanding responsibility, accountability, and the meaning of resiliency13:45 - What distinguishes great coaches from average coaches 16:00 - Different kinds of leaders and coaching styles 20:00 - Maintaining and understanding accountability from a coaching perspective, and how it translates into sports and business 25:00- Being a player under contract and what it entails 29:00- A Frugal Athlete - a financial-literacy company30:15 - Explaining what the Frugal Athlete provides 33:30 - Inspiration and purpose to create A Frugal Athlete 37:30 - Advice on how to become a professional athleteLINKSAmobi Okugo on LinkedInAmobi's Wikipedia pageLearn more about A Frugal AthleteCREDITSProduced by Emma HolmstromMusic by Isaac Chambers – ‘Change’


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